Monday, March 4, 2013

It's better...

...when your body isn't in severe cramp-age pain. It's so so much better!

I'm not saying that I didn't sweat, pant, and groan. I totally did, oh and jiggle! I still jiggle. What I am saying is that it's so much better than last week. I could feel movements happening. Bliss. Sweaty, stinky, jiggily bliss.

I kinda loved it.

Only kinda.

I admit I did pause the video 3 times. Once to get some tums, once to go potty, and once to rest my poor piddies! But it wasn't for long at all. I did do every movement and only grunted during the hip-drops, as usual. I hate those things.

Maybe next week it will be even easier. Then, of course, I'll switch it up and move onto a new set of stuff. Gotta keep it fresh in order to get those muscles toned, right?

Breakfast today was another bowl of Berry Berry Kix in rice milk. Yum!

Lunch is going to be leftover mashed potatoes, a piece of Yorkshire pudding, and some grated cheese on top of the 'taters.

I wish I knew what dinner is going to be, but I don't. We haven't been grocery shopping for almost 2 weeks now, so dinner's anyone's guess. =P

I hope Wednesday comes on the heels of an amazing D&D game with an even better workout than today was!

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