Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 1 Yogalates

I think it's safe to say that I did not expect to react the way I did to today's workout.

The DVD is in 4 parts focusing in turn on Abdominals, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Total Body Toner. The first 3 are recommended to do for 28 days before adding the forth part, if you're a beginner. Which I sorta am.

Pros & Cons so far:


  • Each movement is explained with options to those who may have injuries.  (Me.)
  • The pace is slow and soothing.
  • There is a list given of the items needed. (all household items)


  • Just a personal one, and it's kinda dumb. But I wish there was more time between each part to meditate, without having to pause the DVD. Cause that act in itself breaks the meditation.

I personally have to take it down a notch and realize that there's no fast movement. It's a real change in pace, forcing the focus on each and every movement. With an emphasis on breathing.

After the first part I almost burst into tears, which I read, isn't uncommon with Yoga workouts. Not from pain or anything, but from the whole experience, it opened my senses and mind.

The second part pretty much flew by.

The third part, which focuses on the lower body, was much more difficult. By the end my legs were wobbly and knees shaky.

I did watch most of the forth part. It's a bit faster paced (not much) and much more advanced than I'm ready for quite yet. I am ready to take the initial 28 day challenge, so for the next 27 workouts it will be this routine. My plan is, after the 28 days, I then add in part four for 28 more days. It's not set in stone, and I hope not to get bored. If I get bored, then I'm gonna move onto another Belly Dancing workout for 4 weeks, and then back to this entire routine.

Okay. That's it for the beginning of this new workout.

I am happy to report that we had a phenomenal D&D game yesterday. I can not wait till our next one.

Breakfast this morning was 2 Eggos with butter and syrup.

I nommed 2 peeps as a small snack. I LOVE Peeps.

Lunch was a blackberry yogurt, slice of bread, and some corn chips with salsa. I love salsa too.

Dinner is going to be Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff.

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